The Wildcat F-4F was an American fighter which was produced by the American firm Grumman in around 8,000 copies. It was also built in Britain before the Second World War under the name Martlet Mark V. It is one of those Martlet which rests next to the island of the Fourmigue , because the wreck bore the English cockades. The Wildcat was 12m wingspan and 9m long . It was fitted with a 1200 hp Pratt and Whitney engine, which propelled it at a speed of 512 km / h . Its ceiling was 11,000 m with a range of approximately 1,200 km . It was equipped with 6 machine guns , and could carry 2 bombs of 45 kg .
Two theories are opposed as to its presence at the bottom:
- The 1st: The Wildcat would have been embarked on the aircraft carrier Hermès. He was reportedly thrown into the sea because the damage he suffered would not have allowed him to be repaired. It is correct that this method was used at that time. We would date without certainty this act to the year 1956 .
- The 2nd: quite simply a crash or a ditching .
Although the first thesis is supported by one of the French wreck specialists, the second seems more plausible. Indeed the landing gear is retracted . However, we do not see any reason for it to be, except if the Wildcat was indeed in flight and had to land urgently.
For the moment no sure answer has been given, and it is not obvious that one day will not have one.