Bormes Plongée
become a rebreather diver
Rebreather diving accessible to all
Diving with a rebreather is to rediscover the pleasure of being underwater without interference with the environment ...
Perfect buoyancy, no more bubbles, the (real) world of silence and a mind-blowing approach to underwater life.
The principle is simple:
A closed circuit in which the exhaled air is recycled by passing through a filter (lime) which captures the CO2.
Two small bottles, one of air (diluent) and the other of pure oxygen make it possible to feed this "loop" from time to time when the pressure increases or when the inhaled gaz is no longer rich enough.
The Mini Quantum rebreather is electronic, which means that it automatically injects the oxygen necessary to maintain the "Ideal Nitrox" throughout the dive (constant partial pressure of oxygen).
The multiple advantages:
This optimization of the inhaled mixed gaz limits the saturation.
The duration of the stops is significantly reduced or even cancelled.
The lack of bubbles will delight photographers and naturalist divers.
Our proposals
Bormes Plongée offers you training on 2 rebreathers: the Mini Quantum SUBMATIX or the rEvo III
From level 2 / Autonomous Diver 20 meters
On the program: 2 dives in the same day with the Mini Quantum SUBMATIX rebreather.
Depth: between 20-25 meters according to your prerogatives
Duration: 45 minutes
Number of participants: 2 maximum
Price: 295 € / pers
Date: on request
How the day went:
Meeting 8:00 am at the BORMES PLONGEE center
Administrative procedure (level card, medical certificate)
Preparation of the equipment and presentation of the Mini Quantum SUBMATIX rebreather.
Technical briefing on how use of the machine.
9h00: departure of the boat to our diving site
1st dive between 20-25 meters according to your diving level, duration 45 minutes.
11:30 am: back to the marina.
12h00: lunch break.
2:00 p.m .: meeting at BORMES PLONGEE diving center
2:30 p.m .: departure of the boat for your second dive.
2nd dive between 20-25 meters according to your diving level, duration 45 minutes.
4.30 p.m : back to the dive center.
air diluent rebreather diver training
First rebreather level accessible for beginners.
Course program: 5 to 7 dives with the Mini Quantum SUBMATIX rebreather.
Theoretical classroom training.
You will learn to master your device in any situation, to take it apart and maintain it.
Depth: progressive and up to 40 m (according to your diving level)
Duration: 4 to 5 days
Number of participants: 2 maximum
Price: 1250 € / pers
Date: contact us
Included: Rebreather rental, gas and lime, manual, TDI or FFESSM certification fees
Excluding: rental of personal equipment, license (if FFESSM certification)
In partnership with Seatools and Bruno Germain (Tech diving specialist / rebreather and Submatix France distributor)
Port-cros Marine park and wrecks expeditions
A week dedicated for rebreather !
No stress, no rush, only fun and time, plenty of time to purr the machines ...
A comfortable and dedicated boat, clean and spacious premises to store your equipment safely.
Reserved for experienced rebreather divers (air and normoxic diluent) with their CE machine.
Run Time up to 60 min
Price: 50 € / dive
Run Time up to 90 min
Price: 65 € / dive
Your diving program: the most beautiful wrecks in the Var and the Port Cros National Park.
La Gabinière, long, wide and across!
on demand
formation plongeur recycleur diluant Trimix Normoxique
Prérequis: Avoir suivi la formation diluant air et avoir fait un minimum de 50 heures de pratique.
Au programme: 5 plongées avec le recycleur Mini Quantum SUBMATIX.
Formation théorique en salle.
Formation pratique: Planification de la plongée (run time, utilisation des gazs, bail out...)
Vérification des acquis des plongeurs, en refaisant l’ensemble des exercices d’aisances vu lors de la formation CCR Air, le plongeur doit montrer un aisance acquise, et non pas en cours d’acquisition.
Profondeur: progressive et jusqu'à 70 m (selon prérogative circuit ouvert)
Durée: 4 à 5 jours
Nombre de participant: 2 maximum
Tarif: 1250 €/pers
Inclus: Recycleur, gaz et chaux, manuel, frais de certification TDI ou FFESSM
Hors: location de matériel personnel, licence (si certification FFESSM), bail out fond (location 80 €)
sur demande
En partenariat avec Seatools et Bruno Germain (Spécialiste plongée tech/recycleur et distributeur Submatix France)